- When we say beauty, the first thing that comes to our mind is, the physical.
- Indeed, beauty goes beyond just physical.
- What good is a woman that is beautiful by body, but ugly at heart and mind?
- What good is a person that can only attract physically, but every other quality, he lacks.
- Modesty is a very good policy to imploy, if one wants to remain sane and beautiful in this messed up world.
- Some people love to argue that the Hijab covers a woman's beauty.
- I say, the Hijab adds to a woman's beauty.
- We respect what we cannot see, much more than that which is always made known to us. More than we ever care to admit
-The concept of the hijab is beyond the basic interpretation a lot of people make.
-Hijab is not there to infringe on or suppress the female gender, it is there to protect her more than anything.
- A girl does not have to use sex appeal to stress how beautiful she is.
- A woman who exposes herself to the world cannot be respected but lied too.
- Do not ignore all the other factors such as respect, and self-respect. A girl with no shame has no self-respect, and a girl with no self-respect cannot demand respect from anyone else.
- A real lady, a modest lady carries herself with class and dignity, and as such attracts the sane amongst people.
- Understand why Hijab is beauty, Hijab is modesty, and modesty is beauty, and to me, a modest girl is a beautiful girl.
- People have different perceptions of beauty, and this is how Isee it. Of course girls don't need to wear a Hijab to look beautiful, But when they do, that is noble and that is beauty.
think you very match for this my sister i hope that every girls wear the hijab incha allah