Sunday, 21 September 2014

Negative Space

A change in the moon raises earth's waters and in complete darkness, the shadow is absent. 

Man is only as powerful as the weakness of men, and peace can be attained in a marketsquare, pain from a place of zen. 

Love is like water, it cleanses, it also destroys. Honesty is good, but often leads to bad situations. 

A lie is as painful as the truth, a lie is prefared because in its pain, it provides a type of comfort the truth cannot care to provide.

Comitment is scary, it keeps one stable, man does not like stability, he prefers to move. 

Dogs are loyal, but jealous. They can kill a trespasser and can kill your little child.

Children are oblivious to reality, and in their neglegence, are honest about reality. 

Looking in from the outside, as seen through our individual eyes, there is only good people. 

Free-will is celebrated, faith kept on the side, but if free-will led man to recover from a dark place, man will not need to look to the east five times every day. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

The Power Of Illusion

Give them a little power, so they can have a voice to waste their energy.

Starve them, so you shift their perception of hunger.

Tell them what they want to hear, to give them hope, so they can serve you more.

Pit them against each other, so they can be distracted from the real issues.

Arm them with weapons and not knowledge, so that the only thing they know is violence.

Kill their friend in secret, wound their other friend and come to their rescue, so they may hail you as the saviour.

Convince them that they are beneath you, and that they serve you, so they forget their rights.

When people are hungry, what matters is the food they will eat now. Not that which will sustain them from tomorrow up till their last breath. 

And in the illusion of power, people we feel their actions matter, and will follow a predetermined path to their destruction. 

And if it is juice they like, tell them a fountain of juice awaits them, but only if they follow you. They shall follow. 

And as you take what belongs to them, encourage them to fight each other by elavating one skin color over the other, one race over the other, one religion over the other, one way of life over the other.

And give them drugs, give them guns and not books, so they can devour each other. Because books teach, weapons kill. 

And make them believe you care by being the killer and the judge, the culprit and the victim, the giver and the reciever. Make them believe you did not do it, even though you know it was you. 

And help them forget that in actuality, you serve them, they do not serve you. 

Society today. For the tyrant to bloom. Open your eyes, darkness will not cure your sickness. 


Mirror on the wall, the truth you tell.
The truth that cannot be told by no other.
The truth by which I myself tend to forget.

The most honest friend.
The best reminder.
The mirror on the wall.
Only through you, do I see my face as is.